Cheek Filler

Cheek Filler in Accra, Ghana

Cheek augmentation using dermal fillers is a popular way to address aesthetic concerns and improve confidence without the involvement of surgery, scalpels, or similarly intense techniques.

Cheek fillers, a type of injectable dermal fillers, are versatile and available in a variety of brands, including Juvéderm, Radiesse, and Sculptra.

Why Choose Cheek Filler for Facial Rejuvenation?

Cheek filler injections are a safer, less invasive alternative to plastic surgery that offers a lot of benefits. Dermal fillers can renew your confidence and treat specific concerns by doing the following:

  • Adding definition to your cheekbones
  • Creating a more youthful appearance
  • Decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhancing and contouring your cheekbones
  • Increasing the volume of your cheeks

Cheek filler is also a less expensive option and a great way to trial the look of cheek implants without committing to a permanent, potentially risky surgical procedure.

Can Cheek Filler Be Used on All Skin Types / Skin Tones?

Yes, cheek augmentation with dermal fillers is safe and suitable for all skin types and tones. 

If you have specific concerns, consult with an injector who is experienced with treating patients that have a similar skin color or type as you.

What Does Cheek Filler Feel Like?

The entire procedure is incredibly tolerable, especially because a topical anesthetic can be used to ensure your comfort. The initial injection is the most uncomfortable part, feeling like a quick sting or pinch.

You shouldn’t experience any significant pain or discomfort during the injection process, though you may feel a sensation of pressure in the area.

When Will I See Cheek Filler Results?

You will see an immediate enhancement in your cheeks after your treatment, which is just another benefit of cheek filler. Keep in mind that side effects like swelling can temporarily alter your results, so it’s best to wait one to two weeks before you judge your final outcome.

How Long Do Cheek Filler Results Last?

While not a permanent solution, cheek fillers can last anywhere from one to two years, potentially longer. It depends on the brand and type of filler, as well as how quickly or slowly your body metabolizes the product.

If long-lasting results are a priority, mention that to your provider while determining your ideal treatment plan.

How Many Times Can You Do Cheek Filler, and How Many Treatments Are Needed for Sensational Results?

Typically, only one appointment is needed for optimal results. However, you may wish to book another visit to your injector and have additional filler injected after you’ve given it a couple weeks to see how the product settles. Repeat treatment whenever you notice a significant decrease in your filler’s effects.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

The procedure itself only takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes for most patients. It may take longer if you’re a first-time filler user or you have specific concerns. The consultation and waiting for your numbing cream to take effect are usually the longest parts of any injectable treatments.

You may also be asked to wait 10 to 15 minutes after your appointment to ensure that you don’t have a negative reaction to the ingredients in your cheek fillers.

How Long Is the Recovery After Cheek Filler?

Downtime isn’t an issue when it comes to cosmetic injectables. You will be able to continue your day as normal and even return to work.

To improve your results and prevent or decrease the longevity of side effects, your injector will advise that you do the following:

  • Avoid applying makeup or certain skincare products on your face for at least a few hours.
  • Avoid touching or applying pressure to the injection sites.
  • Limit your UV exposure by staying out of the sun or applying sunscreen.
  • Wait 24 to 48 hours before you engage in strenuous activities or exercise.

What Are the Side Effects of Cheek Filler?

It is completely normal to experience side effects after dermal filler injections, especially swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness. You might experience a little swelling or a lot of swelling, which can affect how your cheek filler looks for the time being.

All of these are mild, are temporary, and should not affect your day-to-day activities. True complications like infections, filler leakage, discoloration, and damage to the skin are incredibly rare. 

To avoid a negative experience or outcome, make sure you receive care from a board-certified injector who is experienced with administering cheek fillers.

Am I a Good Candidate for Cheek Filler?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate. Keep in mind that this procedure cannot decrease the volume of your cheeks, nor can it remove fat or excess skin. If you’re pregnant or nursing, then it’s best to wait until you’re not before getting cosmetic injections.

Ideal patients are healthy adults with the aforementioned aesthetic issues and realistic expectations for the outcome of their non-surgical procedure. You should be a non-smoker or at least willing to temporarily quit prior to treatment and for a period of time afterward.

If you are allergic to the ingredients in dermal filler, have a bleeding disorder, or have an active infection in or around the injection site, then cheek fillers are not appropriate for you at this time.

Where Is the Best Place to Get Cheek Filler in Accra?

 Estar Pharma & Aesthetics Center is the top medical spa for non-surgical procedures that look and feel natural, restoring your confidence without risking your safety.